Get the facts. Negotiate well. Don't leave money on the table. Minimize hassle at every stage.If there's anything I can help you with, please let me know. I strive to serve.
I love new adventures!
Ally Johnson, MBA, Supervising Broker
Passionate curiosity has led me down many paths in life. I thirst for knowledge; with multiple university degrees behind me, I actively participate in many learning communities and additional classes to keep my skills up-to-date. Specialties:
I am experienced in management of complex projects, including the structuring and execution of operational and strategic initiatives by developing work plans, gathering and synthesizing relevant data, leading analysis and developing final recommendations. In addition to land acquisition project management, I'm knowledgeable in all aspects of right-of-way, including acquisition, title, permitting, budgeting, cost forecasting, operation, due diligence, public relations and community outreach. I have a solid understanding of general regulatory and legal issues. |